NINE WAYS YOUR WRITING ANNOYS MEI’m talking about the craft of writing, and I’m referring to those seemingly small things authors do that are hugely annoying to readers...
Hook, Line, and Snag ‘em By Writing a Book Hook that’s Sure to Reel Them InWith so many books to choose from, today’s author has to step up their game to snag a potential reader’s attention. And a hook that reels...
CASHING IN ON THE NANOWRIMO SIDE EFFECTS (Or The NaNoWriMo Benefits and Possible Fallout)NaNoWriMo Benefits and Fallout. Meeting those writing deadlines and succeeding.
Is Your Beta Reader a Superhero or Soul Sucker?Finding the right beta reader can often be as difficult as finding that minuscule sliver of glass embedded under your skin and just as...
HONE YOUR STORYTELLING SKILLS LIKE A PRO and Be the Next Best Thing to Perfect I know you’ve heard this many times before, but if you want to excel at your craft, READ, READ, READ, and WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. Then...