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Interview with Non-Fiction Author, Kimberly A. Morrow, M. Ed.

By Gina Salamon

Let’s start with where you got the idea for your book.

The idea was born from my experiences as a parent and educator. I began writing immediately following a meeting I had with a group of parents to whom I was promoting my tutoring business. During the roundtable discussion, a parent exclaimed, “We parents need this! We need a coach! Can you do this for parents also?” A few days later, I began writing 8 Pearls of Wisdom, a Parenting Guide to Empowering Children is the Way to Go!

So, was that meeting what inspired you to write this book?

Actually, I was inspired by my son Brian Brock, Jr., who was diagnosed with learning disabilities at the age of three. I had to learn quickly how to navigate the special education world through the lens of a parent, which has inspired me to educate other parents on the inner workings of general and special education.

I heard that once you knew what you wanted parents to know, it didn’t take you long to get it all down. How long would you say it took you to write the first draft?

I believe it took me just several weeks to complete the first draft. I’ve been educating kids for a long time and knew exactly where I thought parents needed help too.

Can you give us a one-sentence synopsis of this gem of a book?

8 Pearl of Wisdom is a book written to help parents become better advocates for their children.

And what else would you want us to know about your book, what would parents get out of it?

There are so many areas of focus that relate to parents with school-age children, such as knowing how and when to prepare your child for college; how to raise children to be grateful and of service to others; and my personal favorite, 8 Pearls of Wisdom reminds parents how important self-care is.

Are there any other self-help books that would compare yours to?

Not that I know of. My book is an easy read designed for all parents. It isn’t full of educational jargon that I found in the multitude of books I researched, either. As far as I know, there are none out there like it.

And last, knowing you’re an educator, I found it interesting to hear you didn’t choose to sell your book to one of the traditional publishers of educational literature. Is this true?

Yes, my book is published by my newly created publishing company, K.A.M.’s Publishing Company.

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